Contact SaWasDee Thai Massage Nuremberg
SaWasDee Thai Massage Nuremberg
Krebsgasse 7
90402 Nuremberg
The Krebsgasse is located in the old town of Nuremberg-St.Lorenz
and is a side street of Breitengasse and Karolinenstraße.

With the Train
Underground lines 2, 3 to Opernhaus:
4 minutes walk - through the Kartäusergasse past the Germanic National Museum
across the Kornmarkt to Krebsgasse,
Subway lines 1 to Lorenzkirche:
4 minutes walk - take the exit Königstraße, left through Wollengäßchen into Breite Gasse,
then left into Krebsgasse,
Bus lines 43, 44 or tram lines 5,7,8 to Hauptbahnhof:
9 minutes on foot - via Königstraße to Hallplatz, then left to Kornmarkt
right into Frauengasse, past the Galeria parking garage, right into Krebsgasse,

By car
Over the Frauentorgraben into the Färberstrasse, at the traffic lights right into the Doktor-Kurt-Schumacher Strasse, at the Kronmarkt turn left into Frauengasse
Parking garages nearby:
Galeria Kaufhof, City-Point, Maximum
Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment?
Don't hesitate! Use our contact form. We will answer you promptly.